We have seen a recent rise in Leptospirosis cases in Vancouver and the Lower Mainland, highlighting the need for increased awareness and prevention. Leptospirosis is a serious bacterial infection that affects both pets and humans, potentially leading to severe kidney disease, liver disease and can be fatal in many cases. To keep yourself and your pets safe, it’s important to understand the signs of Leptospirosis and how it spreads.
What is Leptospirosis?
Leptospirosis is caused by bacteria found in contaminated water, soil, and the urine of infected wildlife such as rats, raccoons, and skunks. Pets and people can become infected through direct contact with contaminated environments, making both urban and rural animals vulnerable to exposure.
Because Leptospirosis is zoonotic, meaning it can spread from animals to humans, protecting your pet also helps safeguard your family’s health.
Recognizing the Symptoms
Leptospirosis can present with a range of clinical signs, some of which may resemble other common illnesses. Symptoms to watch for include:
Vomiting and diarrhea
Lethargy and stiffness
Abdominal pain
Loss of appetite
If your pet exhibits any of these symptoms, immediately contact your nearest clinic and seek veterinary attention. In severe cases, the infection can lead to kidney failure and liver failure, making early diagnosis and timely treatment crucial.
Which Pets Are at Risk?
Contrary to common belief, Leptospirosis is not limited to rural or outdoor pets. Any pet that encounters standing water, contaminated soil, or wildlife urine—even in urban settings—can be at risk.
At-risk pets include:
Dogs that frequent parks, trails, or wooded areas
Pets that come into contact with puddles, ponds, or damp soil
Dogs in urban environments, as wildlife populations continue to adapt to city life
Young dogs, as their immune systems are still developing

How to Protect Your Pet
Prevention is the best form of protection when it comes to Leptospirosis. Effective precautions include:
Annual Vaccinations – An effective preventative that limits the probability of infection and following severe illness.
Water Safety – Prevent your pet from drinking from puddles, ponds, or other standing water sources.
Wildlife Control – Secure food and garbage to reduce exposure to infected rodents and other carriers.
We understand as a pet parent it’s crucial to have all the facts - If you have any questions about Leptospirosis or the Leptospirosis vaccine, please contact us at info@harmonyvets.ca or 604-906-4824.
To schedule a Vaccine Appointment please visit www.HarmonyVets.ca or reach out to us directly!